What To See And Where To Eat in Santa Fe, Capital of New Mexico State
Santa Fe, the New Mexico State Capital, is the seat of US government state of Mexico. It is a distinct and round state capital in the USA. Characterized by four entrance wings, this building resembles the Zia Sun Symbol when you view it from above. The four entrance wings jut from the main cylindrical volume. The capital is constructed in such a way in such a way that it blends the style of New Mexico territory and the influences of neoclassic. There is a stone carving of the State seal of New Mexico overhead of each entrance. There exist four door levels with one being underground.
Must try – Latin Leche
What is latin leche? If you put it in the translator you will get latin milk. But there is the second meaning to this. Based on the stories presented on latinleche.org, you can be sure to experience hell of a ride with these guys. Latin leche series is all about homosexual guys picking up other guys, mostly latin, on streets and with help of some cash, they get what they want – meaning sexual favors. It’s big in Santa Fe!
The following are things to see in Santa Fe:
Santa Fe Indian Market. This annual art market brings together some of the most talented Native American artists from the United States. It hosts millions of visitors and collectors from across the world. It is conducted on the weekend after the third Tuesday in August.
- Meow Wolf
This is an arts and entertainment group established in 2008 and based in Mexico. It has over 200 across disciples such as painting, music, reality, photography, architecture et cetera.
This group establishes immersive experiences to take all round audiences into amazing story realism adventure.
- The Santa Fe Opera
There is certainly no better place to experience opera that at Santa Fe. This venue has an air Theatre that is an ideal piece of modern art. In this place, you will also have the comfort of watching greatest stars of opera showing off their skills.
- Museum of International Folk Art
This is a world-class facility situated on the brink of Santa Fe famous Museum Hill. It boasts the highest folk art collection across the globe.
- Lensic Performing Arts Centre
This place is very amazing. Everything you will see here, definitely, you are going to fall for. Having been built 1931, Lensic is the local’s favorite. It is renowned for its music, theatre, dance et cetera. There are several performers in this center. It boasts more than 200 performers, among them National Superstars and renowned local artists. To learn more about the kind of dances, education and community outreach programs performed here, check the schedule at the website of this center.
Regarding the restaurants, the best restaurant to visit at Santa Fe is Tomasita’s restaurant. One thing about this restaurant is that it does not accept reservations. Therefore, if you intend to visit the restaurant with several friends mostly above thirteen, you need to call in advance so that particular day can be put on the waiting list.
The restaurant follows closely the traditions of Santa Fe regarding how it serves its meals. It specializes in serving classic Northern New Mexican Cuisine. This restaurant has been voted for consistently by the locals for being best in this type of dish.

New Mexico offers exciting and unique chances for everyone who happens to visit here. You are welcome to see and experience what you have been missing the rest of your life.
Categories: Attractions